طبیب کودکان

مطالب اموزشی در طب کودکان و ارتباط با همکاران

طبیب کودکان

مطالب اموزشی در طب کودکان و ارتباط با همکاران

کودکان ورسانه های اجتماعی (مقاله ای ازAAP)

A clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics recently published in Pediatrics, notes the advantages and disadvantages of social media use by children. Social media include popular services such as Facebook and Twitter.

The American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) clinical report explains the use of social media helps children expand social interaction and develop some technical skills.

Besides making new friends, sharing pictures, and exchanging ideas, the AAP clinical report notes deeper benefits to kids from social media include:

  • Opportunities for community engagement by raising money for charity and volunteering
  • Development and sharing artistic and music endeavors
  • Expanding online connections through shared interests.

The clinical report adds the latter affords an opportunity for teens to develop respect, tolerance, and increased discourse about a range of personal and social issues

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